
The blogroll is the heart of Since its beginning in 2009, it has grown to include hundreds blogs by adult adoptees, first parents, adoptive parents, adoption professionals, and extended family members living out open adoption.

Navigating the blogroll:


*I Should Really Be Working: Thoughts of a first Mom that placed her daughter for adoption using less than conventional means: by utilizing California’s Safe Haven law, and the journey that occurred when she returned to the hospital and entered into an open adoption.

Therapy Is Expensive: An opinionated 20-something juggles life and open adoption.

The Birthmother’s Journey: One birthmother’s positive experience as a birthmother, a mother and a writer.

*From the Mind of a Bmom: My reflections on life, relinquishment, and random things that make me smile.

Where Do I Begin?: I am a mom to four sweet children, and am pregnant with my fifth. I decided early in my pregnancy that I was not prepared to parent a fifth by myself. Open adoption was my answer and I will experience it in one week. I LOVE the parents I picked for my baby and I cant wait for this little guy to be born.

Amstel Life: Explore the journey of a 22-year-old birthmom who placed her daughter, Deanna Marie, in an open adoption with a wonderful Christian family four years ago…

O Momma Writes: While I am now a young mom, wife, and full time college student and my blog focuses on those roles primarily, my role as a birth mother in an open adoption is talked about often as my experiences collide my roles together resulting into one role…simply me.

The Happiest Sad: I was a mother for nine weeks, and then I became a birth mother. This is the story of me, my daughter, and my daughter’s parents, as it is happening.

Endure for a Night: A birth mother in an open adoption, I write about my experiences with my son, his parents, and the rest of my world.

*My Life with Open Adoption: I have an open adoption with an awesome family. I gave my son up on October 22, 2009 and so far it has been a wonderful experience…here is my story and updates.

Dear Sweetheart: Letters to a child from his birth mom. What she wishes she could tell him and maybe one day will have the chance to.

*Not Quite “Juno”–My Adoption Story: This is my story in pieces. The good ones, the bad ones, and everything in between. Adoption had changed my life forever, as well as my family, and my Adoptive Parents. Even though there were times when it hurt, the end result is a positive one. I wouldn’t change it for the world!

The Birth Mother Voice: My voice is honest and loud. I am a birth mother who has been through two adoptions and I advocate with a very positive attitude about it all. My, how I have grown!

My Adoption Journey: My journey through an unplanned pregnancy, finding hope, finding faith, and moving forward in an open adoption after placing my sweet little boy.

Not Just a Birth Mom: Navigating the ups and downs of life after placement.

The Great Wide Open: The honest, as best as I can tell it journey of my adventures in open adoption and my nomadic life.

Statistically Impossible: A birthfather discusses the experience of open adoption before, during, and after the birth of his son.

*All About a Girl: I’m an LDS (mormon) birth/first mother. This is where I write all about me, my family and everything – the good, the bad and the ugly. I also write about my having placed two daughters with two different families and our ever evolving relationships from semi-open to more open. Just a place where I write and share from my unique perspective on life and everything in general.

*I’ll Be Loving You: I placed a baby girl in October of 2005. This blog is my ongoing adoption story.

Lia, Not Juno: I am currently pregnant and navigating my open adoption plan.

*In My Mind: A Birthmother’s Journey: This is my adoption story & my feelings along the way. My goal is to offer healing, hope, & companionship to the women who are going through the challenges & joys of placing a child for adoption.

Carrying a Cat By the Tail: Thoughts from a 31 year old birthmom who placed in July 2010 in a semi open adoption. The learning process, emotional effects and navigating a new life after placement.

Adoption in the City: My experience as a new Birth Mother in New York.

100 Letters to You: A journal/letter perspective on my open adoption experience.

(w)rite here: “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”

A Birth Mother’s Love: A Birth mother’s reflections and thoughts on adoption and the things that have helped her heal.

*The Mann I’ve Become: I wrote a book called “The Mann I’ve Become: Abuse, Adoption, Grief, Acceptance” about the trials of womanhood mixed in with becoming a birthmother.

sideshow barb

My Little Blessing in Disguise: This is a continued documentation of my journey since finding out I was pregnant and placing my daughter in November of 2010. My journey began here:, and continues on my blogger.

Another Version of Mother: A FirstMom/Birthmother navigating the world of “open” adoption almost a decade later.

Monika’s Musings: Random thoughts and posts, some relating to my open adoption, some not. 🙂

Katydid For Adoption: Blog by a birthmother showing life goes on after adoption and you can be happy!

*The truth about me.: I am going to write about how I am processing through my open adoption. I placed my son for adoption on July 8 2011.

*Wife, Mother, Birthmother, Author, Homeschooler: Chronicling the adventures of anything woman!

Life Love Lanie: Reflections of a birthmother (as of May 2011) in her 20s as her open adoption journey unfolds.

One More Day…: A Birth Mother’s Story of Open Adoption

*This Birth Mommy’s Story: A blog about my experiences as a Birth Mom in an open adoption.

Living the Bittersweet Life: Blogging about the Sweet & Bitterness of Life as Birthmom in an Open Adoption

Betty Anne & Scott: I’m a birthmother and now a new mom to my son that I am raising. Parenting, as a birthmother and as a “regular” mother is no joke!

Living Through Today: Some days are good days. And some days you just have to live through. This is my journey through life as a birthmother.

Idiot girls life post adoption: I am a birthmother just trying to find a way to continue life after losing the one that matters most in this world to me. Not all posts are about adoption but they are all true stories based on my life as I try to move forward.

*Coming Clean: Confessions of a Secret Birthmom: I placed my daughter as a college student, stayed in contact for two years and drifted off. Next thing I knew it was 12 years later. Come join the fun as I navigate the pitfalls of going from closed to semi open contact, and celebrating the hope of coming down the home stretch to reunion one day.

From Another Mother: I am a birthmom. I am adopted. Adoption changes my life every day, and I love every moment.

*Holes 2 Heaven: Chronicles of a birthmom (me) coming out of denial about my adoption journey. My birthdaughter just found me on FB, 14 years old, and I have started blogging and reaching out for the first time ever, to understand our story and connect with others who have been touched by adoption.

*itcame2past: Placed second daughter for adoption on September 5,2007. Single mom to my first daughter born in 2001 and going through a custody battle with my first daughters dad since June of 2008. This is our journey and my thoughts. It’s private because of the custody battle but happy to invite readers.

*In His Easy Yoke: I’m a first mom of 15 years, wife, and mother to two additional precious daughters. I blog about the the good, the bad and the ugly in adoption, my spiritual life, and the privilege of being a mother.

ErnieGirl is TTC: I am a birthmother in an open adoption, my birth daughter turns 9 in March. I am also suffering from secondary infertility, yet to be diagnosed.

*Meghan Loves Kayden: Life after placing my beautiful baby boy, Kayden.

*Access Granted, Please Enter: This is a blog about me. For 15+ years I had a secret. It was my greatest fear & my greatest shame. This is my journey through it all. It’s my journey to discover & live my truth. Gotta love Oprah!

My Angels From God: The adoption journey of a birth mother in an open adoption who became an adoptive mother in a semi-closed adoption and then a biological mother.

I’m Still A Good Mother; A Birth Mother’s Journey Through Open Adoption: Stories of my experiences as a mother in recovery, parenting more children after having older children adopted through foster care, and my amazing relationship with my daughter’s adoptive family. Also, the benefits of what we like to call “post-adoption reunification.”

*Open Adoption4ALL: Before I was a wife and mother, I was a BIRTH MOTHER, first. I have always tried to be open with my story, in the hopes that it might help to generate a more comfortable dialogue about OPEN ADOPTION in every American household. Without the conversation, there can be no understanding.

*From Birthmom to Adoptive Mom: I am a birth mom and an adoptive mom sharing stories from my journey through adoption. I am currently in a very open adoption.

Petitexplosion: A birthmother and birthfather doing open adoption together, living through the process day by day, and trying to devote themselves to each other, before devoting their lives to a baby.

Sunshine in a Bottle: My website is a place to express myself through writing, my birthmama story is up as well.

The World As I See It: A life filled with Multiple Sclerosis, Moments & Memories

*Murphy’s Law: I recently found out that I had a son that was given up for adoption without my knowledge. My story is from my heart. I have decided to start this blog because there is a little boy out there who has a Daddy or “Birth Father” that he has yet to meet. Not because of his decision and definitely not because of my decision.

Neither Rhyme Nor Reason: I am a mother and a birthmother who blogs about life and adoption.

Blessings in Disguise: We didn’t give her up, we gave her better.

“She’s Only the Birthmother”: My everyday struggle with the regret after choosing adoption.

My Story as a Birthmother: Well, it’s my story as a birthmother. Honestly from my experiences.

Navigating Normal: A birth mother’s journey through open adoption and redefining family.

Open Adoption Has Made All the Difference: A birthmom’s journey into the world of open adoption. Blunt ramblings from a new placement.

i miss you: I gave up my baby for adoption and this blog is about what that is like.

Our Roots Remain As One: This is my journey as a birthmother, placing both of my daughters in the past few months. I also struggle with bipolar, PTSD, and severe OCD.

Letters to Little Man: I’m a birth mom who enjoys a happy, open relationship with the family that adopted my son. I write letters to my handsome Little Man, the people who love him, and other birth mothers, adoptive families and parents everywhere…

These Are the Days: This is my personal blog about motherhood, adoption and my thoughts as a small business owner.

Sound of Crickets: I’m writing a book about my journey to motherhood that started with a crisis pregnancy, went through secondary infertility, and ended in giving birth to a second child who my husband and I are parenting. I’m blogging about the writing process and my thoughts and feelings as an “older” birthmom in a happy open adoption.

Shel in the World: I am a birth mother in an open adoption. This blog is a collection of memories and rambles about my experiences as a birth parent.

Nap Time Ramblings: Confessions of an at-home mom with a child placed in an open adoption and 2 at home.

Infertile FirstMom: A proud birthmother and former adoption professional currently parenting a baby girl after battling secondary infertility. I write about parenting after infertility and about my experiences with open adoption (both personal and professional).

Lost Again: I placed my son in an open adoption in 1990. When he turned 18 he contacted me, and we slowly started developing a relationship. On July 1, 2013 my son passed away. This is my journey.

* indicates blog is currently inactive or private


*Everyday Brings a New Adventure: I am an adoptee, recently reunited with my birthfamilies, as well as an adoptive mother of two precious boys. Adoption is who I am.

The Warrior Princess Diaries: I blog about my life as a daughter of the King. I’m an adopive mom and aunt, and an adult adoptee, and enjoy honest dialogue about adoption.

*Adoption of Jane: My blog is about my Life as an Adopted Adult, Autism Parent, and Humor. Subjects vary day to day.

Today’s the Day: An adoptee who became an adoptive Mom looks at adoption from 2 sides.

It is what it is (or is it?): I have a son through IVF/PGD and we have long wanted another child. My husband and I are both adopted and have chosen to pursue domestic adoption to build our family. This is where I chart my course.

mom on a mission: I am an adoptee in a reunion, and an adoptive mom in an open adoption.

Love Is Not a Pie: I’m an adult adoptee who is also an adoptive parent. I adopted from foster care and am blessed to have a great open-adoption relationship with my daughter’s first mother.

iwrite how italk: i’m 26. infertility, brain tumor (brain surgery), (reversed) adoption, successful adoption (the boog), the big h (hysterectomy), big laughs, some tears.

Which Way Is Home: Born in the womb; raised by the streets. Jail to college. The Not So Secret Life of an Adoptee.

*Stretched: One family’s story of foster care and adoption

*Communities don’t get built…: The thoughts of an adult adoptee, who is unhappy being adopted and with adoption in general. From a feminist perspective.

*From Another Mother: I am a birthmom. I am adopted. Adoption changes my life every day, and I love every moment.

The Declassified Adoptee: A closed adoption adult adoptee writing about her life stories, reform, and ethics. She is reunited and wants the adoption world to know what contact and relationships have been like for her, her adoptive family, and her original family in a closed-adoption-gone-open in adulthood.

ReunionEyes: A blog from the perspective of the adoptee about the integration of her life with her birthmother over the course of two decades and the unique blended family that forms as a result of their reunion.

Adoptee Searching for Me: I’m adopted, and have been raised in the closed adoption era. I’m a adoptee rights advocate, and sense having such a hard time with searching for who I was my whole life, I’m against closed adoption and for open adoption if there is no way humanly possible the child/children can’t stay with the biological parent/s. I express my views in my blog and I am delighted to be able to use writing as such a healing tool.

Laura Dennis – The Adaptable Expat Mommy: With two little kids in tow, my husband and I escaped to his hometown, Belgrade, where I wrote a memoir about my adoption and reunion (and brief descent into insanity) called Adopted Reality. Now I blog about adoption and surviving as an expat mommy.

Babydusted: A detailed record of our family journey to enter into an open adoption in the Pacific Northwest.

Then I Laughed: A humorous blog about parenting 6 children, one adopted at birth with FASD. Finding the humor in everyday life.

The Sound of Hope–An Adoptee’s Memoir: I wrote my memoir to promote the need for open adoption in America. I am an adoptee and grew up in a closed adoption and the problems it has caused me and my adoptive brothers is told in my memoir. My advocacy for open adoption is a major theme on my site.

Expat (Adoptee) Mommy: This mom of two raising kids in her husband’s hometown of Belgrade, Serbia writes about expat-ism, adoption, and parenting as an adult adoptee. Her memoir, Adopted Reality, goes into a ʺwhole other level of crazy.ʺ

Sister Wish: Adoptee blog describing my experience in open adoption starting at age 4 through adulthood.

Adoption Trail – 4 Generations: I am 1 of 4 generations of adopted family members: my grandmother, myself, 5 of my children, and 2 grandchildren. My adoption was closed, the rest are open.

* indicates blog is currently inactive or private


*Be Still and Know…: After being diagnosed with Endometriosis we looked down the path that led to IVF, lots of bills, and emotional roller coasters and decided that it wasn’t for us. We decided to adopt and are well on our way to finding our family! This blog is about our journey, faith and our dream to become a family!

*My First Gray Hair: The title comes from finding my first gray hair a couple of years ago — I’d always said I wanted to reach motherhood before finding a gray hair, and I just made it. Is Oprah-like wisdom soon to follow, or just more frequent trips to the salon? Stay tuned.

Lavender Luz: Open adoption, mindful living, 1970s trivia, perfect moments, politics and spirituality…I’m a female Jack Handy with shallow deep thoughts.

*Letters to a Birthmother: Follows one adoptive mom’s journey from “semi-open” adoption to fully open and beyond.

*From Yuppies to Parents in Just 8 Months: We’d struggled to get pregnant for years, and finally settled in to our yuppy existence pretending we were fine with not having children. One phone call changed everything, one question reminded us of everything we had worked so hard to forget. “We’re pregnant, and we were wondering if you would adopt the baby?” And that’s where our story begins.

life from here: musings from the edge: Reflections on building our family and parenting in a fully open adoption after infertility and loss.

Moms and Zombies: I’m a married mom in an open adoption. I used to be Evil Mommy, but now I’m not.

Production, Not Reproduction: Thinking about open adoption, transracial adoption, ethical adoption–all in one handy blog.

*Reservado Para Futura Mamá: Recent adoptive mom to a baby girl through domestic open adoption.

*Chasing a Child: Open adoption, transracial adoption and parenting after infertility — we’ve got all the fun going on at our house!

More Than Dog Children: My blog is about our journey from infertility to domestic open adoption.

*On Wings of Hope: Through 8 years of heartbreak trying to conceive and grow our family, my heart is full once more. Celebrating our son who came to us through the miracle of adoption.

*Off My Mind: I blog about my experience in adoption. I am in a very open adoption with one child and a very closed with another (by choice of birthmom).

*Every Wrong Move: I’m a forty-something white woman, actively engaged in being a life-partner, mother, daughter, open adoption constellation member, friend, community member, and income-earner. And some more roles, I’m sure. This blog is here for me to share some thoughts about how it is to live in this life of mine.

*Clio: Karen blogs about raising her daughter Evie, open adoption, being a SAHM, infertility, endometriosis and books.

*Welcome to the Dollhouse: Welcome to my schizophrenic blog that seeks to be all things to me. From infertility & miscarriage, to adoption. From feminism, righteous ranting, humor, recovery and addiction, to my passion for knitting. This is my home. I hope you enjoy your visit. The moral of life is: There is no fucking plan! You’ve just got to roll with whatever life throws at you.

*Bramble River Baby: We tried to have a baby for nearly 7 years before starting the adoption process. Less than a year later, we were matched with a birthmom and are now awaiting the birth of our first child in April 2009. We plan to have a semi-open adoption.

What Else Do We Need?: What else do we need? Nothing! When our youngest joined our family through domestic transracial adoption, our life felt complete. Our adoption has grown in openness over time and we are hoping it continues to do so. I blog about adoption, but mainly muse about the fun, the funny and the infuriating moments with two boys.

*But, Aren’t You Afraid?: Well meaning friends and family have often asked me if I was afraid of Z’s first mom wanting him back, or stealing him, or of him loving her more than me. I know those questions come from a place of concern and are derived from a lack of understanding, but to all of the questions my answer is, without hesitation, “No, I’m not afraid”.

Forever Knit 2gether: Our journey through three open adoptions and our hopes to adopt more.

*(A)Dad: A father of two children through adoption. Open adoption from a different perspective.

Heart Cries: Our vivacious little boy, Tyrus, was born in June of 2009. His birth mother is also named Rebekah and a part of this wonderful community! Ours is a story of God-woven details and friendship. Our adoption is wide-open as Rebekah and her family have become an extension of ours.

Life at Tracey Speed: I’m a happily married wife, mother and teacher. These are my stories and feelings about life and our new son through open adoption. God is my guide and strength. “God never closes a door without first opening a window.”

*Adoption Journey: Blog about our journey through domestic adoption. We embrace openness and the birthmother’s right to choose.

*Always and Forever Family: After 2 years of waiting for an international closed adoption we switched to domestic open adoption and brought our daughter home 7 months later. We have since gained a large family with her first mom’s family. And we love it.

The Tough Times Make You Stronger: The blog that follows our hearts and faith through fertility treatments, agency issues, and a potential open adoption of a little girl due April 21st (THIS MONTH!?).

*The Many Faces of KJ: Our continuing journey with trans-racial adoption.

*The Mommy Journals: I’m a stay-at-home mom who is parenting my toddler, living with infertility, and sorting through the emotions and events of an open adoption.

Blessings From Above: After years of infertility, we are now the parents of two beautiful girls through domestic adoption…one trans-racial closed adoption (the birthmother’s decision), and one open adoption. Our girls are just a mere 5 1/2 months apart in age! When it rains {blessings from above}, it pours!

*Four Gardners and Me: I am an attorney by trade, daughter of an Italian shoemaker by birth, and mother by divine grace. My blog? What I know best: my family, my life. Four Gardners and Me.

Hey Jude: Our long journey to open adoption.

Crawford Life & Times: After 9 miscarriages, 2 ectopics and a boat load of heart ache, we decided that blue eyes didn’t matter and adopted our 3rd child, Jackson from Haiti in 2003(he is about 13 now). A 3rd biological child surprised us a year later, but we still wanted to adopt again and welcomed a newborn African-American boy, adopted domestically, in 2007. A VERY VERY open adoption! we are in NH, birthmom was in AR, but she joined the Air Force and now lives 30 minutes away! We couldn’t be happier.

*Raising Belle: An adoptive mom chronicles the stories of raising Belle.

*Write, Baby, Repeat: All about my journey through infertility and open adoption to mommyhood, and my adventures as a work-at-home writer & editor of books for young readers, wife to my college sweetheart, and above all, mom to one amazing baby boy.

Not Imitation Cheese

The R House: my name is mrs. r and i run the r house. i am a wife, a mother, an adoption advocate, a former third grade teacher, an aspiring photographer, a sunset lover, a runner, an adoption blogger, a survivor

*Abundantly Blessed: The happenings of a Christ-loving, stay-at-home Mom to the three beautiful daughters. One by adoption and two home grown!

Eyes Wide Open: Reflections on an international open adoption, transracial adoption, and the journey to mommy-hood.

*Everyday Brings a New Adventure: I am an adoptee, recently reunited with my birthfamilies, as well as an adoptive mother of two precious boys. Adoption is who I am.

The Adoptive Mother: I am an adoptive mother of five beautiful children who are all biologically related via the same birth mother. This blog tells our story and explores open adoption and the relationship between birth parents, adoptive parents and adoptees.

*Simple Perfect Life: Life beyond our profile. . . We are a family blessed with two beautiful open adoptions awaiting our third. Definitely not simple nor perfect, but simply, our life

Mama C and the Boys: Transracial domestic infant adoption by a single mom who adds a biracial donor conceived little brother to the the mix two years later, and writes about ALL of it. Humor, vulnerability, brotherhood, being an anti racist ally, full time teacher, writer and parent and the inspiration continues…

The Warrior Princess Diaries: I blog about my life as a daughter of the King. I’m an adopive mom and aunt, and an adult adoptee, and enjoy honest dialogue about adoption.

Pocket Full of Prose: Every day drama in the life of a creative artist, adoptive mother, stellar wife, and copywriter.

Surprised by Hope: We are a transracial adoptive family with a very open adoption with our daughter’s first family. We love our relationship with them and we love sharing our journey with others who are considering open adoption and transracial adoption! Our lives have truly been blessed with the addition of our beautiful daughter!

Adoption A’int for Sissies: Our journey adopting our precious son through open kinship adoption.

*The Night Kitchen: Thoughts on being a family through open adoption, and sometimes other things too.

Henry Street: Four miscarriages. Three failed IVFs. Two different sperm donors. One diagnosis of Balanced Translocation. We are now proud parents of a son via domestic infant semi-open adoption.

For the Love of Coco: After two biological children we knew we were missing someone…enter an incredible young woman who helped our family grown not but one little life, but with an entire family tree. Our adoption is categorized as transracial, open, and magical from the very beginning.

And Baby Makes Four: An honest story of infertility, waiting, and the blessing of domestic open adoption.

All Grown Up: After nearly 4 years of trying to start a family both the old-fashioned way and with medical intervention (3 IVFs), we just brought home our daughter via a very open adoption. This is our story.

Not a Visitor: This is a blog about our experiences on the road to becoming parents through adoption. As a white couple who will most likely be adopting a non-white child, expect to see reflections on, and links to, discussions on transracial adoption, open adoption, race, culture, and parenting, as well as stories of all the other ups and downs that we face as we wait to meet our child.

*How Am I Not Myself?: A blog about open adoption, adoptive parenting, and other random thoughts.

*Waiting for Bambino: We’re anxiously awaiting our “bambino” through domestic infant adoption.

Make Way: After years of infertility our lives are complete with the birth of our son, through domestic open adoption. We are now waiting to hopefully adopt our second child soon…

From You and Me to Family: Our life as a family of three. Blessed by the miracle of Open Adoption.

The Adoption Rollercoaster: Our journey as a family formed through open adoption. Follow the love we have for each other and the love with have for our daughters birthmom!

*Adventures in Adoption: The roller coaster ride from start, to middle, to right now of our open domestic adoption process. Then throw in some life, love, laughter, tears, poems, the Muppets, dogs, cats, family, friends, venting, sharing, the man’s point of view from time to time, and just getting through it all with dignity and my sense of humor intact. Plus, I like to share adoption resources with others! Adoption is my passion!

Life is simple:it’s just not easy: A journey to becoming mommy and daddy.

Julie’s Scribbles: We blog about baby Z, our sweet son who joined our family via the miracle of domestic adoption. We have an open adoption with “T” our birth mom and we LOVE adoption! Come read about our adventures in the world of parenting!

Today’s the Day: An adoptee who became an adoptive Mom looks at adoption from 2 sides.

The Stape House: This family was built through adoption and continues to grow through love. We welcome friends and family to follow us along this journey we call life!

*The Problem With Hope: Public annex of my private blog about infertility, adoption, and life afterwards. Domestic open adoptive parent with a surprise (Oh wow, you mean IVF sometimes WORKS? FOR ME???) baby 6m after our daughter was born.

My Minivan Rocks!: I have a 4-year old son named Noah (bio), a 3-year-old daughter Zoe (adopted from Vietnam), and an almost 2-year-old son named Colin (adopted domestically). Colin’s adoption recently went from semi-open to completely open, and we are trying to open Zoe’s adoption through a birthparent search in Vietnam.

See Theo Run: I write about my life as an adoptive mother of one child in a local transracial open adoption.

A Peakin To Our Lives: Mother to a 3 1/2 year old boy who we adopted at birth, this is a journal of our day to day life and our open adoption. We have an amazing relationship with our son’s birth mother and birth father.

wyomingmade: I am an adoptive mom, loving life with a 2 year old. We have an open adoption with both her birth mother, her birth father and both of their families. And while it can seem like a lot to balance, we have fun trying to figure it out.

Open Hearts, Open Minds: Our Open Adoption Journey: My path to motherhood was through domestic open adoption. Join me on a journey of a lifetime as I share my experiences.

*It’s VeeGee’s World: I’m VeeGee’s Mommy, K’s wife, an academic, a writer, a teacher, a gardener, a chef, blah blah blah. I write about my journey as an adoptive mom of a kiddo with special needs, and other stuff like politics, race, religion – you know, that stuff we’re not supposed to talk about!

*Graff Paper: Adoption, my inspiration and our fun life.

*All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: I am a 36 yr. old kindergarten teacher. After struggling for three years with infertility we are in the process of adopting. I hope this will be the story of how we became a family.

{blessed} to adopt: Our thoughts along the journey and blessing of adoption. Focused on openness, transracial families, and living a multicultural, international life!

Unofficial Mom: I’m an adoptive mom. The blog is a reflection of that ever shifting situation.

Little Bird: The subtitle of my blog is “loss and joy; adoption and fertility.” And here’s a blurb from my “about me:” “My writing interests right now cluster around adoption, but that can’t be separated from other issues in my life: a generous husband, a job I love, learning how to parent; thinking about childhood, my brother’s death, and (in)fertility; puzzling over economics, spirituality, and my aging dog who sheds on the $400 rug I bought this spring.”

Those Two Daddies: The story of two men (and two Labrador Retrievers) raising their beautiful daughter, Sabrina Marie.

The Larks Nest: I generally write about our experiences with foster care adoptions… and we do lots of stuff from the perspective of our children’s birthmother (whom we love). Open adoption in foster care is very rare, and we love it!

Awaiting Another Miracle: Brandon, and Adoptee, married Corrine, Adopted Brielle (1st Miracle) and birthed Aria 2nd Miracle) and are hoping to adopt again. We have a Very Open Adoption with Brielle’s Birth mother and are hoping for another open adoption!

*Adoption FYI: I am an adoptive mother in an open adoption. I started this blog before we adopted as a place to organize and share all of the research I was doing to learn more about adoption and to keep myself busy during “the wait.”

*Beauty for Ashes: I am an adoptive mom who is working (along with my sweet DH) to grow our family through adoption. We have a heart for transracial adoption, and we love the beauty of diversity that God made.

*Jen’s Seven From Heaven: I have been extremely blessed with Seven adopted children. Five were adopted before birth (4 from Russia and 1 as a special needs, domestic adoption) and two who were adopted as embryos and carried to term by me. I have hired searchers to locate and continue contact with our 3 Russian First Families and our originally closed domestic adoption is now completely open!!!

Gotcha Baby: Started as we started the process to adopt, this blog is about parenting, navigating open adoption, my favorite things and what ever else strikes my fancy.

Parenthood Path: We’re navigating the interesting, challenging, scary, wonderful territory of first-time parenthood after our son came to us through open adoption in October 2009. The blog began as a way to inform family and friends that we’d be building our family in this way and to provide updates on our progress. Now it’s mostly a record of our precious boy’s adventures, but it does include occasional reflections on infertility, our adoption, and adoption in general.

Bacon TidBits: Keep up with our family, as we keep up with our little bits.

Bumber’s Bumblings: I’m an adoptive mom writing about life with my treasured son and hopefully more to come! We are a part of a shockingly (to many people) wide open adoption.

*Peas and Carrots…A Perfect Blend: I have one son adopted from Guatemala and am currently waiting for “the call” through domestic adoption. I blog about general family life, infertility, adoption, living in a multiracial family, open adoption, and more. We are now eagerly waiting to bring home a second child! Stop by and say hello!

Our Family Building Adventure: We adopted our little girl 10/31/10 and have a wonderful open adoption!

Cat’s Litterbox: A place where I talk about how I’m feeling about everything in my life. I include photography and feelings on my son’s adoption and his birth parents.

*The Egg Drop Post: After trying to get pregnant for many years, my partner and I are now pursuing domestic open adoption.

Crafty Nester: Crafting my way to motherhood. My husband and I are pursuing domestic open adoption after trying to conceive for over four years. We are excited about becoming parents and this blog chronicles our journey. I love creating and will also be sharing fun creative projects as we wait for our baby.

The Adventures of David and Shelly, Lilleth and Ursa: Musings, pictures and thoughts about our family!

*On the Dark Side of Lysithea’s Moon: Welcome to my world. If the brain rumblings of a married, thirty-something, infertile, fat chick from the South, who is trying desperately to adopt for the first time interests you, then by all means stop in for a while. I can’t promise to be funny or entertaining all of the time. Hell, who can? But, I am the mistress of this domain.

Life in the Last Frontier: Finally parents through open domestic adoption after six years of infertility/adoption waiting! Come along with us on our adventures in the frozen north!

Our Adoption Adventure: Blogging my way through the process of domestic open adoption.

four wild blueberries: Rants and ramblings from a mother of two in open adoption, wife, homemaker, artist, writer, (kinda) homeschooler, butcher, baker, and candlestick maker – just trying to appreciate the extraordinary in everyday life.

Not Sugar Coated: Infertility, Adoption and Foster Care Group: I am an adoptive mom (thru foster care). I blog about our open adoption with our children’s mom, foster care and infertility.

sparklejenna: Follow me as I start a creative business and navigate the world of open adoption as a new mom hoping to finalize the adoption of our son by June 2011.

The Lyons’ Din: The occasional musings (and occasional roars) of a Louisiana journalist, coach’s wife and adoptive mom.

Good News Adoption: Experiences in domestic adoption and writing for the benefit of adoption.

One Inch of Grace: One family’s experience with foster care adoption.

On Loan from Heaven: We have been married for 4 years and have been immeasurably blessed! Our precious daughter Hannah is 2 years old and keeps us on our toes with her contagious smile, bubbling personality, and social skills that go beyond those of many adults we know! While God allows us to call her our daughter, we know that she is truly on loan from Heaven… and she’s ours for just a while. We are currently in the process of trying to make Hannah a big sister through our second adoption. We would love for you to follow us through the ups and downs of parenting a toddler and through the process of adopting…. and there are bound to be some hilarious stories in between, courtesy of Hannah! Our home study process is complete and we are now waiting on the Lord to guide us to the baby (or babies) He has chosen for us.

The Chittister Family: Remember, as far as anyone knows, we’re a nice, normal family… A family of 3 trying to become a family of 4

White Sugar, Brown Sugar: I’m a Jill-of-many-trades mama of two baby girls who came to me through domestic, open, transracial adoptions. Adoption is bittersweet, and I am ever-mindful of the ups and downs adoption brings.

With A Freshness: My blog tells the story of our family. It includes our adoption story, our surprise of getting pregnant the same week our adopted son was born, our journey to health, and also includes recipes as well as funny dance videos from our boys.

*The Blessings of Adoption: After struggling for years with infertility we realized that God might have a different plan for us. After many prayers we soon received our answer and eagerly embarked on a new journey in our lives. 5 years later we have two beautiful sons (ages 3 1/2 and 8 months) and we share open adoptions with both of their amazing birth mothers. Open adoption is a natural choice for us. We want our children to know where they came from, who they look like and why they are so very special.

Xavier & Alice Anne: My husband and I are an LDS (Latter-day Saint), interracial couple, struggling through infertility and pursuing adoption. I started blogging near the beginning of our journey to adopt a newborn through an open, domestic adoption.

A Number of Things: An adoptive mom shares our family’s ongoing story of open, transracial adoption, along with many other parts of our lives.

From empty womb to overflowing heart: One moms journey past infertility and through open adoption (past, present and future)

*mom on a mission: I am an adoptee in a reunion, and an adoptive mom in an open adoption.

Lessons from an Infertile Social Worker: I’m a mom, wife, and social worker. I blog about our two open adoptions (transracial,domestic, infant), breastfeeding, cloth diapering, camping, and life in general.

Love Is Not a Pie: I’m an adult adoptee who is also an adoptive parent. I adopted from foster care and am blessed to have a great open-adoption relationship with my daughter’s first mother.

Sheeps Eating Me: I am a queer feminist mama of 2. We are a transracial family, formed through same-sex marriage, domestic/private adoption, and foster care adoption. Both of my children have special needs.

iwrite how italk: i’m 26. infertility, brain tumor (brain surgery), (reversed) adoption, successful adoption (the boog), the big h (hysterectomy), big laughs, some tears.

Our Field of Dreams: Welcome to our everyday life as a family of three built through the beauty of open adoption

Embracing the Odyssey: I’m a new mom through open, domestic adoption blogging about marriage, infertility, adoption, motherhood, and other adventures in life.

Regular Midwesterners: Two perspectives on gay, parenting, and life in the Midwest. Josh and his partner adopted their son through an open, domestic, and transracial adoption. Gretchen and her partner conceived their two boys through the same, anonymous sperm donor.

Even Miracles Take Time: Journaling as an adoptive mama in an open adoption….my perfectly imperfect family ❤

*Barren By the Bay: A 40’s something couple leaving fertility treatments behind to pursue domestic open adoption. We are celebrating becoming paper pregnant as of June 29, 2009. Now we are just waiting for our forever family to be completed.

*Family of Two: The Adoption Chronicles: From infertility to domestic open adoption to … hopefully… Parenthood.

Baby Wanted: I’m a happily married, childless mother (I’ve had four miscarriages) who is looking to bring her first baby home through adoption.

*Our Very Own Star Stuff: After 14 years of marriage, many of which were spent dealing with infertility, we are excited to pursue open adoption.

*Our adoption story begins now: We have started our adoption process, and we are happy to tell you about our journey to becoming first time parents through adoption.

Throwaway Pancake: Musings about the balancing act of life as a 40-something working mom and wife with two itty-bitty adopted kids, a sick fascination with half-marathon medals, that last 10 pounds to lose, writing a screenplay, and shoes.

Adopting the Spectrum: One family’s adventures in open adoption, Asperger’s, and parenting one amazing little girl!

An Engineer Becomes a Mom: Blogging about whatever happens to be yanking my chain at the moment. Mostly about our journey through adoption after infertility, how adoption is portrayed in the media, and multi-racial adoption

Modern Mommy Magic: A fun-loving, book-reading, super busy, sleep-deprived, often sarcastic, stress-out, and insanely happy woman trying to juggle being a full-time mommy, full-time employee, and part-time student and do a half-way decent job at it all.

Bloggin Instyle: brand new mommy to a beautiful adopted baby girl…wife to my best friend, boss to 9 awesome women, daughter to amazing parents…juggling this thing we called life…and loving every minute!

Noah’s Ark: Riding the waves in open adoption. I just started my blog and am hoping to write about life-including our open adoption experiences. 🙂

Weathering Storms: While I write about many different things, my blog is honest and real. Join us as we journey through transracial adoption and life in general.

Mandy Gets a (simple) Life: I am an adoptive mommy of 2, both from open adoptions.

Our Journey to New Heits: We are learning the art of parenting (God’s way), coupled with mastering the dance of open adoption. It’s exciting. It’s exhausting. It’s frustrating. It’s fulfilling. It’s real. It’s raw. It’s as God designed for our family. And it’s all right here.

Momosapien: Musings about my life as one of two white adoptive parents to a biracial daughter through transracial, domestic, open adoption. Documenting the life and times of this queer family.

A Tale of These Four: We are parents to two of the most beautiful children through adoption. Both are open adoptions.

*JessieJingles: Adoptive Mom shares happenings in our household. We have an open adoption with our eldest child’s birth family. We are navigating our way into that relationship and life as a family.

*Start Spreading the News…: We are so excited and ready to adopt a little bundle of joy, and are anxiously awaiting to witness our sweet little guys face to finally hold his baby brother or sister!

The Whine and Cheese Life: Reflections on parenthood, adoption and life with a preschooler.

Dearest Jessica: A blog about a family growing together though adoption from the foster care system. We cover regular parenting issues, attachment challenges, special needs children and the fun of everyday life!

One Urban Nest: The ongoing life chronicles of one queer family cohabiting in an urban nest. This family of five is led by two matriarchs, Gus and Otto. Our house is shared by three kidlets: an older sibling pair we adopted through a public, domestic adoption, and a wee baby conceived and born at home.

Finding K – A journey of love through infertility, cancer and open adoption: I am a 30-something woman living in SoCal who has faced infertility and ovarian cancer which eventually exposed me to the amazing world of open adoption. This is my personal story of faith and strength that led me to my newborn daughter, K, and the angelic birth parents who united our family.

Our Unconventional Oven: Follow us on our journey through open private adoption and foster care adoption.

Karen’s Adoption Journey: My adoption journey with T, who was adopted internationally, and whose first family we retain a relationship with as best one can from 7,000 miles away — made even more difficult when there is no postal system in his country and no electricity in his extremely remote village which is not accessible by car and no one in his family is literate — and other stuff along the way.

Stretched: One family’s story of foster care and adoption

A Concrete Way of Love: Matt, Mikki, Mary, and Luke. Matt and Mikki married in 2005, and are the proud adoptive parents of Mary, our precious girl, and Luke, a beautiful little boy born with Prader-Willi Syndrome. This blog chronicles our lives and adventures as a “forever family”.

A Journey of Love: Learning to live in an open adoption relationship while navigating life!

My Angels From God: The adoption journey of a birth mother in an open adoption who became an adoptive mother in a semi-closed adoption and then a biological mother.

Mommy Musings: Reflections on all aspects of parenting — the fun, the frustration, the funny and everything in between, including our adoption journey parenting two children who joined our family through domestic infant adoption.


All Aboard the IF Train: This is a blog about our struggles and journey to become parents. And I blog the same way that my train of thought goes. Loops, hoops, jumps, and full steam ahead!

Hoping to Complete Our Family: This is our personal adoption blog, it is updated often and we hope that soon our family will be contacted by an amazing birth mother who is looking for a big loving family for her child and extended family to her!

Along for the Ride: Blogging just about everything from being a parent to adoption to prematurity to church to ANYTHING!

Michelle & Amber’s Open Adoption Blog: We are young lesbian couple in the southeast working to build our family through open adoption. This blog chronicles our journey to adoption, our random musings on adoption, and other stories from our life.

Smiling Through the Rain: Our blog covers the adoption of our youngest daughter in 2011 and our journey into Foster Adoption in 2013.

God Will Fill This Nest: Two twentysomethings in the waiting game for a domestic adoption…

Finding a Family: Writing to document our journey through adoption, and finding a family of our own. We thank GOD for bringing us down this path, and making it clear that our family was to be built by open transracial adoption.

He’s our heart; she’s our hero: We have been married for 3 years and this is our road to adoption. Also my feelings as a woman during this time.

The George’s Journal: We created this blog to document our adoption journey!

Happily Ever After: This blog chronicles our journey from recurrent pregnancy loss to domestic infant adoption. I rant, I rave, some people think I’m funny 😉

From Birthmom to Adoptive Mom: I am a birth mom and an adoptive mom sharing stories from my journey through adoption. I am currently in a very open adoption.

Adoptio: Building a Catholic family through open adoption.

Our Adoption Journey…and Life with Kate!: Our journey through domestic infant adoption, and now life with our daughter, Kate! We share the good, the bad, and the ugly (but mostly good)!

MargaretAdopts: The blog explores our adventures as soon-to-be parents to a nine-year-old boy and describes our experiences with the adoption process. We’ve been committed to the idea of open adoption since the beginning, but now we’ll find out what it’s like to live out that decision on a day-to-day basis.

Raising Paityn: Raising Paityn was about my journey as a first-time mama to our little girl. With the addition in January of Olivia through domestic adoption, it’s become a story of our completed family.

Pink Shoes: Not only do I write about life with my amazing adopted daughter and what she teaches me everyday, but I write frequently about how our open adoption has changed us for the better. I share my thoughts on why I think we could better cultivate a culture of adoption in this country if the idea of open adoption was more prevalent and more widely talked about in schools, at women’s clinics, and in everyday exposure.

Our Story: A Blog about Open Adoption: We adopted our daughter, Zoe, 2 1/2 years ago. I first starting writing to talk about dealing with infertility, and it slowly grew into a blog about domestic adoption. We have a wonderful open adoption with Zoe’s birthmom. I write about our visits with her, other adoption-related topics, and every day life.

My Life: With Bugs, Brat and Monster: Some blogs are informative. Some are serious. Some are even entertaining. This isn’t any of those things.

Two Women Blogging: I’m one of the Two Women, and I’m an adoptive mom in an open adoption. The blog is not entirely focused on adoption – I also write about politics, medicine and pop-culture – but many of my favorite posts discuss our ongoing journey as a family in open adoption.

Grow Family, Grow!: This blog is for friends (including those not met) and family who take an interest in what we’re getting up to, parenting, open adoption (we’ve recently added to our family through open adoption), gardening, science, nature and the great outdoors, cooking, books, art, crafting, health care, heart stuff, diapers and Tucson, AZ.

Akers of Love: I love God, my husband, my boy, adoption, and anything else that makes me smile. We’re on our second journey of adoption to make us a family of four. Follow our lives as we attempt to do it all in love.

Removing Roadblocks: Journey through infertility, adoption, and now growing as a transracial adoptive family

Coffee and Chaos: “Another Day in Domestic Paradise”. I’m a Midwestern Mom/wife/writer blogging about family life, motherhood and managing a household teetering on chaos.

Funny Little Pollywogs: The author of this blog finally became a mother after a decade of struggling with infertility through the miracle of adoption. She adopted a baby within her family and blogs about life, love and how she is blessed beyond belief because her arms and heart were open to the baby who was meant to be hers.

Apron Strings: We are a lesbian couple blessed with our baby girl through open adoption. Our blog is the day to day comings and goings of our little family with a little zen thrown in!

You Just Never Know Where Hope Might Take Ya: After a year of quiet, I’m hoping to join back into this community of bloggers. Both my children joined our family through an open adoption relationship with their other families. We enjoy varying levels of contact with them, and continue to look for the good in it all.

Matt and Misti: Hoping to add to our family through adoption.

Finding My Moments and Learning to Smile: I am an adoptive mom who is trying to find her way in life as a new mom and everyday struggles.

Just a Box of Rain: Adoptive mama to a little girl looking to build connections. Some posts are password protected, but I do provide the password to fellow bloggers, see instructions on my page! Welcome!

Adoption Pi: Exploring open adoption and all the dimensions it adds to the family.

Journey Through Adoption: A record of our journey through adoption, from our first phone call to Social Services in January 2011, to the placement of our amazing sons in March 2012 and an ongoing weekly account of our new life as two dads.

Fortunes Full: We survived The Wait. It was a bumpy and heart breaking road but we’re a family of four now. Read along as we settle into our new routine and build the foundation for a happy open adoption.

Chai and Mandazi: Life and parenting after IF, infant loss, and miscarriage. DD adopted Spring 2011, DS due Fall 2012; both through open infant adoption.

Expecting Miracles: A blog about faith, infertility, embryo adoption, and domestic adoption.

Blessed Beyond Boundaries: How strangers became family through trust, love, & the bonds of a baby… our open adoption experience.

Her Womb, Our Hearts: Share Adoption with Mama J: I’m an adoptive mom of two beautiful babies who are 7 months apart. When I’m not chasing babies, I love to give support to others who are in the process of adopting or who have adopted.

Bringing Our Dream to Life: After 6 years, many tears and failed adoptions, our long-awaited baby boy has arrived through Domestic (OPEN) Infant Adoption. My husband is also an adoptee in a closed adoption.

Stories from the Payne’s: Come read about our journey through fostering and adoption. We love making new friends so feel free to contact us anytime with any questions you may have. We are an open book about our infertility, adoption, and fostering experiences.

Creating While Waiting: A place where I share happy projects/thoughts as we patiently (okay, maybe anxiously) wait to find our baby through the miracle of open adoption.

Adopt to Change: Three plus years of waiting to become a mom led me to adopt to change…my thoughts on raising an adoptive daughter and our journey

Life Unexpected: Where we’ve been, Where we are and Where we’re going…our journey to and through the open adoption process.

no handlebars: We are choosing to put God first and let Him take control by letting go of the handlebars! We are following God’s call in our lives to adopt our 1st child after struggling with infertility for 2 years, and we couldn’t be more thrilled!

Ala Carte Baby: **Starting our journey towards an open adoption**

*Ellen + Shelley’s Adoption Adventure: Hi! You know that old adage “Opposites Attract”? Well, we are pretty much living proof of that. But despite our differences, we share many common beliefs and goals, one of which is our desire to grow our family through open adoption. So this is our story; a little bit nerdy, a little bit witty, probably a little bit angsty, but always full of love…

Bringing Our Dream to Life: After 6 years, many tears and failed adoptions, our long-awaited baby boy has arrived through Domestic (OPEN) Infant Adoption. My husband is also an adoptee in a closed adoption.

Nikes and Slides: My name is Angie, I’m an adoptive mom to two transracially adopted boys. As a family we enjoy having our boy’s birth families in our home often. I am also a cancer survivor, I work full-time as a mom and part-time as a cancer and bone marrow transplant nurse. I enjoy exercise, sewing, decorating my home, and spending time with our family and friends.

Alessi Family Fun: We are a very spontaneous married couple of 10 years. Being in the military allows us to do many adventurous things with our 2 adopted children and 1 miracle baby naturally conceived due 1 April 2013. This is our fun, documented!

finding a family: Through Christ we’re walking the path to build our family via adoption.

Then I Laughed: A humorous blog about parenting 6 children, one adopted at birth with FASD. Finding the humor in everyday life.

Unexpected Dreams: Living a blessed life and navigating our world with family faith and an open adoption.

Seriously?!: My journey through RPL to Domestic Canadian Adoption. Brought home our baby girl in January 2012.

Artificially Sweetened: Figuring out what open adoption looks like for us with our kiddos – adopted domestically and from Guatemala. Ruminating on building a new kind of family over cultural divides.

Heart Mommies: Two mommies and twin baby girls, living an open adoption in Texas.

keeperofthepark: This blog was started while we were waiting to adopt from S. Korea. Now, I blog about preschool activities, general life, adoption and beginning to navigate the rarity of open international adoption.

Hydrangeas Are Pretty: We are a two mom family, who adopted our first child in 2006, and our second in 2009. We are blessed to have an amazingly open relationship with both birth moms.

Plans Change: Formally, “Our Journey, But Not Our Plan. It’s hard to deal with now. But, one day, it will all be worth it.” Our blog title changed when we realized that our plans changed and that it was ok that they did. And guess what? It has ALL been totally worth it! Follow us as we continue our journey!

What is a Real Family?: Take a mom, a dad, two dogs and add two daughters through adoption! This blog chronicles our journey to parenthood from our decision to adopt, how we learned about family building through adoption and what it’s like to be a family living with two very open adoptions.

Feit Can Write: Adoptive parent writing about adoption, parenting, sports, and anything else he feels like.

Mumdrah: One woman’s adoption expedition to mop up pain, outwit rage, and change fate. UK

Surviving 15 Years of Adoption: My blog is my experience bringing up my children, the trials of contact and experiences we experienced with complicated contact and revisiting birth family.

Sarah P. Salmon: Memoirs of an Aussie Adoptive Mother in Asia

Monkey Soup: Blended trans-racial family, by birth, marriage, and foster/adopt. Five daughters ranging in ages from 6 to 29. Navigating opening a closed foster adoption of our youngest daughter.

Adopting Number Two: Our personal journey through adopting our second child using open adoption.

1 Kid n’ Counting: Our blog is my outlet for sharing our adoption story, current adoption updates, my life as a wife & mommy, and other fun things!

The Thompsons–Waiting for #2: We successfully navigated one open adoption – so now we are starting again!

Love Makes Us Family: I write this blog so that I’ll remember all the sweet, funny, frustrating parts of raising kids and being a family. I write a lot about adoption and the joy (and sometimes challenges) that it brings to our home. I hope that sharing our experience with open adoption might help others understand what an incredible blessing it can be.

Discovering Joy in the Storm: After 5 years of failed infertility treatment we moved on to open adoption, now parenting an amazing little boy.

Poemfish: Writing about open adoption and parenting by a non-bio lesbian mom. My wife is a first/birth mom (open adoption 14 years ago) and an adoptee (closed adoption in the 70s), so her experiences are part of our journey.

Welz Family Online: Join us for our crazy journey through this life…we discuss everything – no topic is shielded…

Queen of the Slipstream: Dedicated to love and laughter, family and friends, fun and fearlessness. Through thick and thin, I am committed to enjoying this (sometimes bumpy, mostly amazing) journey of parenting through open adoption.

Big Hearts, Open Arms: The ongoing story of our longings for a family, God’s answer to our prayers, and how He faithfully leads each step of the way.

A Mother’s Love Liberates: A mother by open adoption to three beautiful darlings anonymously shares the journey as she tries to navigate the woundings adoption has left on her children and find some measure of healing for them all. – an invitation to other parents traveling the same road to come, rest here, find encouragement… find hope.

Fearlessly Infertile: This is a blog about a military family’s journey through parenthood, beginning with fertility treatments and ending with the birth of a beautiful baby girl through domestic infant adoption. We have an open adoption though contact with the birthmother has lessened over the past few months (by her choice).

Wenrich Family Adoption: We were blessed with our daughter through an open domestic infant adoption. We are now embarking on a second domestic infant adoption.

Three Pink Diamonds: Through my blog I wish to share our story of how we went from two to five overnight. My hope is that the blog will bring comfort, encouragement and hope to others going through fertility issues and adoption.

We Match Hearts: Follow us on a journey for adoption number two! This blog journals the adoption process from foster care and foster/adoption to domestic private open adoption.

Mama Asterisk: Making sense of my own version of motherhood, including transracial adoption.

Little Yellow Room: Follow the journey of Tim & Leslie as they recount & discuss open adoption, faith & infertility. Topics include failed placements, birthparent relations & raising awareness of this special type of relationship.

Keeping Faith: I am an adoptive mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and full time speech therapist in a rural school district just hoping and praying for the next big plan God has in store for me!

The Gollasch’s Adoption: Patrick and Ashley began as pen pals in 2006. They were married July 25th, 2008 and after a year apart they began trying to get pregnant. After over two years of trying through fertility treatments they both felt a strong calling towards adoption. This is our blog where everyone we love can follow us through the beautiful journey of adoption.

Two Mums Two Kids: Our adoption journey from the beginning to…not sure yet. I’m one half of a young(ish!) female couple and wanted to document our journey. There have been a few twists and turns along the way, and no babies yet but we are approved now and “family finding”.

A Peculiar Love: I’m making an attempt to blog through our adoption journey- from the moment we decided we wanted to adopt until we have little ones running through. We are meeting the mother of our first child for the first time tomorrow and hoping for an open relationship with her and the birth father.

My Two Journeys: This blog follows us through our adoption experience of adopting a sibling group of 3 children from the Minnesota Waiting Children Program. We adopted two girls age 8 and 5 and a boy age 3 (all ages are ages at time of placement). At this point there is no contact with biological parents or grandparents. Openness in our family looks like continued contact with foster parents/families, which for our son are the only parents/families he remembers and continued contact with 2 biological full and half siblings of our children. We look forward to encouraging these relationships with people so that they can answer questions our kids may have that we will not have the answers to.

Finding Mercy: Ramblings of a stay at home mom to two little girls (one of whom has Celiac disease) about our lives as we pursue an open, domestic, trans-racial adoption and embrace race and culture in the city.

Two Mommies Trying to Adopt:  I am hoping that this blog will act as a support for my partner and me as we try to navigate the road toward adoption. I will blog about the journey that we are taking and the emotions that occur along the way.

No Due Date: We’re on a journey to grow our family through adoption. We invite you to share in our journey, and help us in the search to find an expecting mother who is considering adoption.

Blogging For Adoption – Our Adoption Journey: Adoption has been on our hearts for several years now. After struggling with infertility, we have decided to begin the process of domestic infant adoption.

The Ranunculus Adventures: One writer’s blog about life – the good, the bad, the awkward. Topics include everything from adoption to pop culture, writing to wedding flowers, recipes to faith, and stories to make you laugh and cry. And maybe pee your pants a little.

The M House: Musings of an adoptive mama

Seeking Fatherhood: A gay dad’s adventure through foster/adopt and into the world of parenting.

Schumm Explosion: Mom of 14 beautiful blessings, 10 grew in my heart. Love making connections with others who share the openness of their hearts for adoption.

Adoption Trail – 4 Generations: I am 1 of 4 generations of adopted family members: my grandmother, myself, 5 of my children, and 2 grandchildren. My adoption was closed, the rest are open.

Sister Serendip: Thoughts on trans-racial open adoption after foster care, parenting in general, surviving sexual assault, fighting -isms. And references to making stuff too.

Ramblings of a Dabbler: Ramblings about life, mamahood, open adoption, media, arts, creativity, geekery and whatever else I dabble into.

Connected Through Love: Adoptive mom writing about her family’s open adoption.

Grew In My Heart: A blog about our adoption process. I’m not an expert, but hope to help people interested in adoption and have a lot of questions.

Constant in the Darkness: A peek into one new adoptive mama’s journey through open adoption.

Young, Single, and Adopting: I am a single mom who has adopted three boys through the foster care system and is currently fostering again.

Charette and Sons: Charette and Sons is a lifestyle blog with commentary on being an older mom, open adoption and having a stay-at-home dad for a husband.

Misadventures of an Adoptive Dad: The ramblings of an adoptive father of six

Snapshots From Our Journey: Our blog follows our family from the moment we made the decision to adopt, through the adoption process, and how adoption is changing our family on a daily basis. It’s about finding the hope, humor, love, and grace needed in raising an adopted child.

* indicates blog is currently inactive or private


*Kristen & Misty’s Open Adoption Journey: We are two women blogging about our journey in Open Adoption. Our ramblings include information on the paperworko, the process, the waiting, and even the occasional randomness about our lives.

bake one buy one: Between myself and my partner, S, we have two uteri and not a sperm to be found. We’ve started our journey to create our family.

*One More Cook: Loving family in NC hoping to adopt…

Jim and Amy Hoping to Adopt: Adoption is a journey filled with many highs and lows, twists and turns, and ups and downs. Come join me as I blog about our journey and share our thoughts about open adoption, enduring the wait, and our desire to become parents.

Waiting for Our Baby:We are a couple in our early 30’s living in the South. We are excited about our adoption journey and are eagerly waiting for our baby.

*Waiting!: I am blogging about my experience with adoption as a single mother.

*Filling Our Castle: Join our journey as we start our adoption. Beginning to end documentation with NOTHING left out. Jenna has a habit of oversharing!

*Just me and my thoughts: Just my take on the journey of this thing called “life.” I will be doing a lot of blogging about my journey towards being a mom through adoption.

*Parents to Be: Just Not Sure When: Our blog describes our journey through the adoption process, as well introduces who we are. This is our first time trying to adopt, so it is our first time with an open adoption. We are super excited!

*LivingLifeOutLoud: Domestic Open Adoption

*Happy Adoption Story: We are a happy, fun-loving family of 3 hoping to soon be a family of 4! I am writing this blog to document our adoption journey from the very beginning, and also to get the word out about our adoption plans.

*Roztime: Inclusive fostering to open adoption (currently in the fostering stage), of 3 kids aged 2-8.

*A Thing Called Hope: Our journey towards open adoption, struggles with infertility and loss, but most of all our hope that our dreams will come true.

*Journey to Extend our Family: The chronicle of a young Canadian couple navigating their adoption journey.

*Our Adoption Journey: This is our journey through the adoption process with plans for an open adoption. We became active on Friday, May 22, 2009. We continue to document our lives as we wait for “The Call”. *pregnancy mentioned*

*A Pea in Our Pod, Please: My husband and I always felt led to adopt children…we just assumed we would give birth first. God always has a plan! We tried for three years to get pregnant before we gave in to God and decided to adopt. We have been waiting for a baby since April of 2009.

*Baby Mac… Where are you?: This blog chronicles our journey from infertility to domestic infant adoption.

*karlinda: Vegan Brits living in the US, hoping to start our family soon through open adoption.

*Making Our Family Complete: We are a family of four hoping to be a family of five in the future. We have started our journey to make our family complete through the domestic adoption of a baby girl.

Setters on Point: Our lives, hobbies, existences, just not much about the dogs.

*my thoughts through the journey of adoption: This blog is for the adopting explorers, my husband, my family, and mostly for myself.

Our Adoption Journey: I wanted to document the process of becoming adoptive parents, as well hopefully becoming an advocate for open adoption.

*Somewhere Out There: We are a Florida family of 4 wishing, hoping and praying to complete our family through open adoption.

*Waiting for a Miracle: Our Adoption Journey: We are currently waiting for a match in our domestic adoption process. This blog chronicles our journey, from the beginning to the present.

*And Then There Were Five: Our Adoption Journey to becoming a five-some begins. We are flying by the seat of our pants, and loving it.

*Limbo Land: Confessions of a Wanna Be Mama

*my thoughts through the journey of adoption: I needed a way to share with my family our journey through ending infertility treatments and our excitement about adopting. It’s both informative for my family, friends, and followers as well as therapeutic for myself.

Thinking of a Clever Name: A Wannabe Craftier Stay at Home Mommy. Starting the adoption process – a Chronicle of Our Adoption Journey.

*Adventures in Adoption: Our Journey through Domestic Infant Adoption.

Susan & Mitch (hope to) adopt: We’re following our dream to become parents by adopting a baby girl or boy through open adoption. Our blog shares adventures, experiences, and thoughts along the way.

Scared to be Happy, Happy to be Scared: Wife/Husband team blogging about our adventure in open adoption through open ended letters to our future adopted child we’ve affectionately dubbed “Little One”.

*Kent and Liz Adopting: Kent and Liz van Wagtendonk are from Mariposa County, California near Yosemite National Park, our blog details our journey to finding our future birthmother and life in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Sweet Dreams are Made of This: My hubby & I are “wishin’ hopin’ thinkin’ prayin’ plannin’ and dreamin'” of becoming parents, through private/open adoption in Canada. I also write about everyday life and occasionally post recipes.

*shypublicqueer: sharing a journey to parenthood by way of queer radical love

*Em’s Adoption Blog: The crazy tale of Em and J, a married couple from the UK beginning the long and winding road to adoption.

Daniel and Christy: Waiting for the Miracle of Adoption: He’s a Librarian. She’s a Photographer. Likes: Art, Camping, and Cold Pizza. Dislikes: Shoveling Snow, Mosquito Bites, and Scratchy Blankets. Dream: To be parents to a sweet little one through open adoption someday soon!

Kim and Scott Adopting: My husband Scott and I are hoping to adopt a newborn through domestic open adoption. This blog is a way for us to share our lives and thoughts while waiting. Thanks for joining us on our journey.

Babydusted: A detailed record of our family journey to enter into an open adoption in the Pacific Northwest.

Perfectly Paired: Erik & Suzy’s Journey through Adoption: A Minnesota couple hoping to adopt for the first time. Here we give a sneak peek into our lives and our hearts as we navigate our journey through adoption– finding friends along the way and, hopefully, those very special people that will pair perfectly with us and make our dreams of adoption a reality. Thank you for coming along with us on our journey!

Teach Fish to Swim: A snapshot from the lives of a happy couple in California looking to adopt, offering insight into our thoughts and happenings from the past year. Please contact us with questions.

The Littlest Brooks-Livingston: We’re hoping to adopt our first child through open adoption.

Holly and Heather Adopt: We are hoping to realize our dream of becoming parents through open adoption. This blog and our various social networking pages are vehicles to share our information far and wide in the hopes that a birthmother considering placing her baby for adoption will see us and love what she sees. It takes a village to raise a child. We know our ‘virtual’ village could actually help make us Moms!

Two Cats and a Cradle: Sharing our adoption journey as we experience it and hopefully answer some questions you might have about adoption. I’ll give it to you straight. The happy, the frustrating, the ups and downs and everything interesting in between. You may also get some cute kitty stories along the way. Who doesn’t like cute kitty stories?

We are Until Forever: My husband and I are currently waiting to be matched in an open adoption of a domestic newborn. Our blog documents the adoption process from the start and discusses various resources we’ve found to learn more about adoption. We have a basic timeline of every event in our adoption and a collection of helpful links.

Grafting Our Family Tree: We are your average couple preparing our hearts and home for children. We have hit a couple bumps in the road and now are grafting our family’s red through adoption!

Over The Spoon: I post stories from my life, family, and meals together. I have more recently begun talking about my experiences in the open adoption process.

Let Grace Abound: I write about many topics ranging from adoption to homemaking to cooking and DIY’ing. My husband and I are currently in a domestic adoption process, and would love to have an open adoption. The inspiration behind my blog name is founded on my faith in Christ, and how my entire life has been changed by His grace. My prayer is that grace would abound in all I do, and that my readers would receive grace during their visit to my site.

Becca Blogs | The Adoption Blog: Welcome to the chronicles of our journey to adopt a child (or 4) from the US Foster Care system. Hopefully we will be placed by the end of 2013 so this will transition to a full-on mommy blog.

*Baby Brown: Our journey to Baby Brown. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Adoption Love: We’re Josh and Kristen and we are on a journey to grow our family through adoption! Come follow us and help us spread the word as we search for our new family member.

We Love St. Patrick’s Day: Adam and Shelli’s first child adoption journey

Inconceivable: Our unexpected and fast-paced journey from unexplained infertility to open adoption.

Jason and Justin’s Adoption Journey: We are looking to grow our family through open adoption in a beautiful and safe neighborhood in Omaha, Nebraska. This blog is about about journey to become dads through open adoption.

J and D Adopt: Prospective adoptive parents in Central Virginia.

Riding on Truth: Walking Through Adoption: This is a blog about adoption, family, home making, and social work.

Adopting Charlie: The story of a domestic adoption, from the very beginning. Currently in the waiting phase, I’m writing about the adoption process and my evolving thoughts and feelings on adoption.

* indicates blog is currently inactive or private


*  indicates blog is currently inactive or private

*What About MY Baby: I am a proud mom of a beautiful teen daughter who happens to be pregnant.We are going down the adoption road together.I cannot imagine a young girl going through all that my daughter has gone through alone.I hope that someday…another person(mom of a pregnant teen) in my situation can find what I have written from my heart, and go embrace thier girl, and be there for her every step of the way.Or maybe I can help a teen that is not supported, and maybe so would not feel so alone. Hope is all I can give.

*embracing the box: A birthgrandma struggles in an open adoption and the lessons she is learning by embracing the box that God has placed her in.

Olive You Forever: I am a mother of a teenage daughter who chose to bless another family with her daughter she named Olive through open adoption. I guess that makes me a Birth Grandma and I am proud to say so!

The Birth-Grandma Chronicles: Joy, love, and blessings, in an open adoption, through the eyes of a birthmother’s mom.

Poemfish: Writing about open adoption and parenting by a non-bio lesbian mom. My wife is a first/birth mom (open adoption 14 years ago) and an adoptee (closed adoption in the 70s), so her experiences are part of our journey.

*  indicates blog is currently inactive or private


The Road Less Traveled: Pursuing open embryo adoption following infant loss and infertility struggles

Living Our Miracle: By the grace of God, we are living our miracle with the blessing of our son through embryo adoption. We are navigating the complexities of an open donor relationship with divorced donors who are parents to triplets.

(Inclusion on the list in no way implies an endorsement or even confirmation of services)

Eyes Opened Wider: My blog is a record of my time as a social worker and the lessons I’m learning along the way. I work in Child Welfare and am interested in ALL THINGS family preservation, foster care, and adoption related.

Blessings In a Basket: We are hear to give comfort to the amazing birth moms, even if it is just through a simple basket!

Adoption at the Movies: Helping adoptive families enter into important, open discussions, one movie at a time.

Infertile FirstMom: A proud birthmother and former adoption professional currently parenting a baby girl after battling secondary infertility. I write about parenting after infertility and about my experiences with open adoption (both personal and professional).

*  indicates blog is currently inactive or private

One thought on “Blogroll

  1. Pingback: open adoption roundtable: agreements « life from here: musings from the edge

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